ios - How to use variable that have value outside the code block -
what im trying print (output : western australia)
self.statename = state["provincestatename"]
detailaddressarr = ["\(userdata!["addressline1"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["addressline2"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["city"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["postalcode"] as! string)", self.statename, "\(userdata!["countrycode"] as! string)"]
but when run, return nothing.
here code
class myprofileviewcontroller: baseviewcontroller, uitableviewdelegate, uitableviewdatasource,fbsdkloginbuttondelegate, uiimagepickercontrollerdelegate, uinavigationcontrollerdelegate { @iboutlet weak var profiletableview: uitableview! @iboutlet weak var profileimg: uiimageview! @iboutlet weak var bigidlbl: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var usernamelbl: uilabel! let personalarr = ["salutation", "given name", "family name", "date of birth", "nationality", "mobile", "passport"] var detailpersonalarr = [string]() let addressarr = ["street 1", "street 2", "city", "post code", "state", "country"] var detailaddressarr = [string]() var statename: string = "" override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() setupmyprofilebutton() self.navigationitem.title = "my profile" showhud() let userinfo = defaults.objectforkey("userinfo") bigidlbl.text = "big id : \(userinfo!["customernumber"] as! string)" usernamelbl.text = "\((userinfo!["firstname"] as! string).capitalizedstring) \((userinfo!["lastname"] as! string).capitalizedstring)" let userdata = defaults.objectforkey("userdata") let countrycode = userdata!["countrycode"] as! string let statecode = userdata!["provincestatecode"] as! string airasiabigprovider.request(.getstate(countrycode)) { (result) in switch result { case .success(let successresult): { let json = try json(nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(, options: .mutablecontainers)) if json["status"].string == "ok"{ self.hidehud() let statelist = json["statelist"].arrayobject! state in statelist { let newstatecode = state["provincestatecode"] as! string if newstatecode == statecode { print(state["provincestatename"]) self.statename = state["provincestatename"] as! string } } }else if json["status"].string == "error"{ self.hidehud() showerrormessage("\(json["message"].string!)") } } catch { self.hidehud() showerrormessage("unable connect server") } case .failure(let failureresult): self.hidehud() showerrormessage(failureresult.nserror.localizeddescription) } } detailpersonalarr = ["\(userdata!["title"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["firstname"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["lastname"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["dob"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["nationality"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["mobilephone"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["pid"] as! string)"] detailaddressarr = ["\(userdata!["addressline1"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["addressline2"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["city"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["postalcode"] as! string)", self.statename, "\(userdata!["countrycode"] as! string)"] // additional setup after loading view. } override func didreceivememorywarning() { super.didreceivememorywarning() // dispose of resources can recreated. } func numberofsectionsintableview(tableview: uitableview) -> int { return 2 } func tableview(tableview: uitableview, titleforheaderinsection section: int) -> string? { switch(section) { case 0: return "personal info" case 1: return "address" default: return "" } } func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int { switch (section) { case 0: return personalarr.count case 1: return addressarr.count default: return 0 } } func tableview(tableview: uitableview, heightforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> cgfloat { return 40 } func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell { if indexpath.section == 0 { let cell = profiletableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! customprofiletableviewcell cell.title.text = personalarr[indexpath.row] cell.detail.text = detailpersonalarr[indexpath.row] cell.layoutmargins = uiedgeinsetszero return cell } else { let cell = profiletableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! customprofiletableviewcell cell.title.text = addressarr[indexpath.row] cell.detail.text = detailaddressarr[indexpath.row] cell.layoutmargins = uiedgeinsetszero return cell } fatalerror("unexpected section \(indexpath.section)") } func loginbutton(loginbutton: fbsdkloginbutton!, didcompletewithresult result: fbsdkloginmanagerloginresult!, error: nserror!) { print("user login") } func loginbuttondidlogout(loginbutton: fbsdkloginbutton!) { print("user logged out") } /* // mark: - navigation // in storyboard-based application, want little preparation before navigation override func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: anyobject?) { // new view controller using segue.destinationviewcontroller. // pass selected object new view controller. } */ }
the problem printing statename when it's value "". block executed asynchronously after waiting request's response , lines after the block executing without waiting. think have move print line inside code block or use property observer print statename every time changes
suggestion1: move print line statement
override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() setupmyprofilebutton() self.navigationitem.title = "my profile" showhud() let userinfo = defaults.objectforkey("userinfo") bigidlbl.text = "big id : \(userinfo!["customernumber"] as! string)" usernamelbl.text = "\((userinfo!["firstname"] as! string).capitalizedstring) \((userinfo!["lastname"] as! string).capitalizedstring)" let userdata = defaults.objectforkey("userdata") let countrycode = userdata!["countrycode"] as! string let statecode = userdata!["provincestatecode"] as! string airasiabigprovider.request(.getstate(countrycode)) { (result) in switch result { case .success(let successresult): { let json = try json(nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(, options: .mutablecontainers)) if json["status"].string == "ok"{ self.hidehud() let statelist = json["statelist"].arrayobject! state in statelist { let newstatecode = state["provincestatecode"] as! string if newstatecode == statecode { print(state["provincestatename"]) self.statename = state["provincestatename"] as! string } } //move print inside block detailpersonalarr = ["\(userdata!["title"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["firstname"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["lastname"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["dob"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["nationality"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["mobilephone"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["pid"] as! string)"] detailaddressarr = ["\(userdata!["addressline1"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["addressline2"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["city"] as! string)", "\(userdata!["postalcode"] as! string)", self.statename, "\(userdata!["countrycode"] as! string)"] }else if json["status"].string == "error"{ self.hidehud() showerrormessage("\(json["message"].string!)") } } catch { self.hidehud() showerrormessage("unable connect server") } case .failure(let failureresult): self.hidehud() showerrormessage(failureresult.nserror.localizeddescription) } } }
suggestion2: use property observers
var statename: string?{ didset{ print("state name \(statename)") } }
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