javascript - Display the total count of json key-value pairs in the series in high charts -

i have json array whic has key status , 2 value pass , rescan. need display percentage of pass , rescan based on total counts in highcharts. have given hard coded values 2 , 1 in series section of code.

below highcharts code:

    $(function () {      // make monochrome colors , set them default pies     highcharts.getoptions().plotoptions.pie.colors = (function () {         var colors = [],             base = highcharts.getoptions().colors[0],             i;          (i = 0; < 10; += 1) {             // start out darkened base color (negative brighten), , end             // brighter color             colors.push(highcharts.color(base).brighten((i - 3) / 7).get());         }         return colors;     }());      // build chart     $('#container').highcharts({         chart: {             plotbackgroundcolor: null,             plotborderwidth: null,             plotshadow: false,             type: 'pie'         },         title: {             text: 'authentic vs. rescan, 2016'         },         tooltip: {             pointformat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'         },         plotoptions: {             pie: {                 allowpointselect: true,                 cursor: 'pointer',                 datalabels: {                     enabled: true,                     format: '<b>{}</b>: {point.percentage:.1f} %',                     style: {                         color: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.contrasttextcolor) || 'black'                     }                 }             }         },         series: [{             name: 'status',             data: [                 { name: 'authentic', y: 2 },                 { name: 'rescan', y: 1 }             ]         }]     }); });   /*chart theme*/ /**  * dark theme highcharts js  * @author torstein honsi  */  highcharts.createelement('link', {    href: '',    rel: 'stylesheet',    type: 'text/css' }, null, document.getelementsbytagname('head')[0]);  highcharts.theme = {    colors: ["#27ecea", "#90ee7e", "#f45b5b", "#7798bf", "#aaeeee", "#ff0066", "#eeaaee",       "#55bf3b", "#df5353", "#7798bf", "#aaeeee"],    chart: {       backgroundcolor: {           lineargradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 1 },          stops: [             [0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'],             [1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']             ]        },       style: {          fontfamily: "'unica one', sans-serif"       },       plotbordercolor: '#606063'    },    title: {       style: {          color: '#e0e0e3',          texttransform: 'uppercase',          fontsize: '20px'       }    },    subtitle: {       style: {          color: '#e0e0e3',          texttransform: 'uppercase'       }    },    xaxis: {       gridlinecolor: '#707073',       labels: {          style: {             color: '#e0e0e3'          }       },       linecolor: '#707073',       minorgridlinecolor: '#505053',       tickcolor: '#707073',       title: {          style: {             color: '#a0a0a3'           }       }    },    yaxis: {       gridlinecolor: '#707073',       labels: {          style: {             color: '#e0e0e3'          }       },       linecolor: '#707073',       minorgridlinecolor: '#505053',       tickcolor: '#707073',       tickwidth: 1,       title: {          style: {             color: '#a0a0a3'          }       }    },    tooltip: {       backgroundcolor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)',       style: {          color: '#f0f0f0'       }    },    plotoptions: {       series: {          datalabels: {             color: '#b0b0b3'          },          marker: {             linecolor: '#333'          }       },       boxplot: {          fillcolor: '#505053'       },       candlestick: {          linecolor: 'white'       },       errorbar: {          color: 'white'       }    },    legend: {       itemstyle: {          color: '#e0e0e3'       },       itemhoverstyle: {          color: '#fff'       },       itemhiddenstyle: {          color: '#606063'       }    },    credits: {       style: {          color: '#666'       }    },    labels: {       style: {          color: '#707073'       }    },     drilldown: {       activeaxislabelstyle: {          color: '#f0f0f3'       },       activedatalabelstyle: {          color: '#f0f0f3'       }    },     navigation: {       buttonoptions: {          symbolstroke: '#dddddd',          theme: {             fill: '#505053'          }       }    },      rangeselector: {       buttontheme: {          fill: '#505053',          stroke: '#000000',          style: {             color: '#ccc'          },          states: {             hover: {                fill: '#707073',                stroke: '#000000',                style: {                   color: 'white'                }             },             select: {                fill: '#000003',                stroke: '#000000',                style: {                   color: 'white'                }             }          }       },       inputboxbordercolor: '#505053',       inputstyle: {          backgroundcolor: '#333',          color: 'silver'       },       labelstyle: {          color: 'silver'       }    },     navigator: {       handles: {          backgroundcolor: '#666',          bordercolor: '#aaa'       },       outlinecolor: '#ccc',       maskfill: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)',       series: {          color: '#7798bf',          linecolor: '#a6c7ed'       },       xaxis: {          gridlinecolor: '#505053'       }    },     scrollbar: {       barbackgroundcolor: '#808083',       barbordercolor: '#808083',       buttonarrowcolor: '#ccc',       buttonbackgroundcolor: '#606063',       buttonbordercolor: '#606063',       riflecolor: '#fff',       trackbackgroundcolor: '#404043',       trackbordercolor: '#404043'    },      legendbackgroundcolor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',    background2: '#505053',    datalabelscolor: '#b0b0b3',    textcolor: '#c0c0c0',    contrasttextcolor: '#f0f0f3',    maskcolor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)' };  highcharts.setoptions(highcharts.theme); /*---------------*/ 

below json:

    var json={     "bms": [{         "id":"a",         "fname": "vid123431.mp4",         "lat": "73.81303019",         "lng": "18.58494347",         "status": "pass"     },{         "id":"b",         "fname": "vid123431.mp4",         "lat": "23.986",         "lng": "32.345645",         "status": "pass"     }, {         "id":"c",         "fname": "vid_20160801_154039509.mp4",         "lat": "23.986",         "lng": "32.345645",         "date": "2016-08-01",         "time": "15:41:37",         "status": "rescan"     } ] } 

could 1 on this?

you can loop on json data , count number of pass , rescan:

 highcharts.each(, function(p) {    if (p.status === 'pass') {      passnumber++;    } else if (p.status === 'rescan') {      rescannumber++;    }  }); 

then can make series containing information counts of pass , rescan:

 var series = {    name: 'status',    data: [{      name: 'pass',      y: passnumber    }, {      name: 'rescan',      y: rescannumber    }]  }; 

here can find example how can work:


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