SQL Server dynamic pivot with multiple columns -

here's scenario in. have data in following format.

my source data

issuedon    country   sales   transactions ------------------------------------------ 29-aug-16   india      40      8 29-aug-16   australia  15      3 29-aug-16   canada     15      3 30-aug-16   india      50     10 30-aug-16   australia  25      5 30-aug-16   canada     10      2 31-aug-16   india      100    25 31-aug-16   australia  30     10 31-aug-16   canada     55     12 

this output looking for

expected output

issueddate  australia   canada  india   totalsales  transactionscount --------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-aug-16   15          15       40      70         14 30-aug-16   25          10       50      85         17 31-aug-16   30          55      100     185         47 

i have been able pivot data on country , "total sales" column. however, not able "total transactions" column right.

here's code generate source data table. if can guide me.

create table tbl1  (      issuedon date,       country varchar(100),       sales bigint,       transactions bigint )   insert tbl1(issuedon, country, sales, transactions) values ('2016-08-29', 'india', 40, 8),        ('2016-08-29', 'australia', 15, 3),        ('2016-08-29', 'canada', 15, 3),        ('2016-08-30', 'india', 50, 10),        ('2016-08-30', 'australia', 25, 5),        ('2016-08-30', 'canada', 10, 2),        ('2016-08-31', 'india', 100, 25),        ('2016-08-31', 'australia', 30, 10),        ('2016-08-31', 'canada', 55, 12)  select *  tbl1 

the following stored procedure used bulk of dynamic pivots

exec [prc-pivot] 'tbl1','country','sum(sales)[]','issuedon','sum(transactions)[transactions],sum(sales)[totalsales]'   issuedon    transactions    totalsales  australia   canada  india 2016-08-29  14              70          15          15      40 2016-08-30  17              85          25          10      50 2016-08-31  47              185         30          55      100 

the stored procedure

alter procedure [dbo].[prc-pivot] (     @source varchar(1000),          -- table or select statement     @pvotcol varchar(250),          -- field name or expression ie. month(date)     @summaries varchar(250),        -- aggfunction(aggvalue)[optionaltitle]     @groupby varchar(250),          -- optional additional group      @othercols varchar(500) )       -- optional group or aggregates  --exec [prc-pivot] 'select year=year(tr_date),* [chinrus-series].[dbo].[ds_treasury_rates]','''q''+datename(qq,tr_date)','avg(tr_y10)[-avg]','year','count(*)[records],min(tr_y10)[min],max(tr_y10)[max],avg(tr_y10)[avg]' --exec [prc-pivot] '#temp','attribute','max(description)[]','id','count(*)[records]'  set nocount on  declare @vals varchar(max),@sql varchar(max); set @vals = '' set @othercols= isnull(', ' + @othercols,'') set @source = case when @source 'select%' @source else 'select * '+@source end create table #temppvot  (pvot varchar(100)) insert #temppvot exec ('select distinct convert(varchar(100),' + @pvotcol + ') pvot (' + @source + ') a') --select @vals = @vals + ', isnull(' + replace(replace(@summaries,'(','(case when ' + @pvotcol + '=''' + pvot +  ''' '),')[', ' end),null) [' + pvot ) #temppvot order pvot   select @vals = @vals + ', isnull(' + replace(replace(@summaries,'(','(case when ' + @pvotcol + '=''' + pvot +  ''' '),')[', ' end),0) [' + pvot ) #temppvot order pvot drop table #temppvot set @sql = replace('select ' + isnull(@groupby,'') + @othercols + @vals + ' (' + @source + ') pvtfinal ' + case when isnull(@groupby,'')<>'' 'group ' + @groupby + ' order ' + @groupby else '' end,'select , ','select ') --print @sql exec (@sql) 


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