mysql - LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is producing null where hour is 00 -

load data local infile producing null hour 00. last 2 lines importing correctly can please me


load data local infile 'test.csv'  table stats.counters_activeue fields terminated "," optionally enclosed '"' lines terminated "\n" ignore 1 lines   (@vartimest,nominal,cell_id,iplatedl_ms_qci_9,pdcpsdudelay_msec_qci_9,ueactiveul_count_qci_9,   ueactivedl_count_qci_9) set day = str_to_date(@vartimest,'%m/%d/%y %h:%i'); 


day,nominal,cell_id,iplatedl_ms_qci_9,pdcpsdudelay_msec_qci_9,ueactiveul_count_qci_9,ueactivedl_count_qci_9 "09/05/2016 00:00",ce0001,cnum6,5.17,58.285,0.5725,0.9275 "09/05/2016 00:00",ce0001,cnum7,4.9025,40.385,0.17,0.235 "09/05/2016 01:00",ce0001,cnum8,1.8075,23.58,0.2175,0.8925 "08/30/2016 01:00",ce0001,cnum1,5.295,16.34,0.0875,0.17 

%h format code hour in 12-hour time. hour in format must in range 1-12; cannot 0.

since times appear in 24-hour format, want %h. should fix problems you're having times after 12:59.


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