matplotlib - Looking to add multiple xtick labels for two parallel bar charts -
i have dataset looks this:
i want following:
- make sure bars not overlap.
- treat each bar separate dataset, i.e. labels on x axis should separate, 1 yellow series, 1 red series. these labels should words (i want have 2 series of xtick labels in chart) 1
, , 1words_1
current code:
import matplotlib.pyplot plt import numpy np import copy import random random import randint random.seed(11) word_freq_1 = [('test', 510), ('hey', 362), ("please", 753), ('take', 446), ('herbert', 325), ('live', 222), ('hate', 210), ('white', 191), ('simple', 175), ('harry', 172), ('woman', 170), ('basil', 153), ('things', 129), ('think', 126), ('bye', 124), ('thing', 120), ('love', 107), ('quite', 107), ('face', 107), ('eyes', 107), ('time', 106), ('himself', 105), ('want', 105), ('good', 105), ('really', 103), ('away',100), ('did', 100), ('people', 99), ('came', 97), ('say', 97), ('cried', 95), ('looked', 94), ('tell', 92), ('look', 91), ('world', 89), ('work', 89), ('project', 88), ('room', 88), ('going', 87), ('answered', 87), ('mr', 87), ('little', 87), ('yes', 84), ('silly', 82), ('thought', 82), ('shall', 81), ('circle', 80), ('hallward', 80), ('told', 77), ('feel', 76), ('great', 74), ('art', 74), ('dear',73), ('picture', 73), ('men', 72), ('long', 71), ('young', 70), ('lady', 69), ('let', 66), ('minute', 66), ('women', 66), ('soul', 65), ('door', 64), ('hand',63), ('went', 63), ('make', 63), ('night', 62), ('asked', 61), ('old', 61), ('passed', 60), ('afraid', 60), ('night', 59), ('looking', 58), ('wonderful', 58), ('gutenberg-tm', 56), ('beauty', 55), ('sir', 55), ('table', 55), ('turned', 54), ('lips', 54), ("one's", 54), ('better', 54), ('got', 54), ('vane', 54), ('right',53), ('left', 53), ('course', 52), ('hands', 52), ('portrait', 52), ('head', 51), ("can't", 49), ('true', 49), ('house', 49), ('believe', 49), ('black', 49), ('horrible', 48), ('oh', 48), ('knew', 47), ('curious', 47), ('myself', 47)] word_freq_2 = [((tuple[0], randint(1,500))) i,tuple in enumerate(word_freq_1)] n = 25 ind = np.arange(n) # x locations groups width = 0.35 # width of bars fig, ax = plt.subplots() words_1 = [x[0] x in word_freq_1][:25] values_1 = [int(x[1]) x in word_freq_1][:25] words_2 = [x[0] x in word_freq_2][:25] values_2 = [int(x[1]) x in word_freq_2][:25] print words_2 rects1 =, values_1, color='r') rects2 = + width, values_2, width, color='y') # add text labels, title , axes ticks ax.set_ylabel('words') ax.set_title('word frequencies test , training set') ax.set_xticks(ind + width) ax.set_xticklabels(words_2,rotation=90) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=6) fig.tight_layout() ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('test', 'train')) plt.savefig('test.png')
i found solution this. key set 2 types of xticks
, major
. in addition, overlapping bars due me not specifying bar width rects1
rects1 =, values_1, width,color='r') rects2 = + width, values_2, width, color='y') ax.set_ylabel('words') ax.set_title('word frequencies test , training set') ax.set_xticks(ind,minor=false) ax.set_xticks(ind + width,minor=true) ax.set_xticklabels(words_1,rotation=90,minor=false,ha='left') ax.set_xticklabels(words_2,rotation=90,minor=true,ha='left') ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=6)
which results in:
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