Kafka: configuration by partition or by topic? -
i created topic in kafka cluster following command.
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper kaf1:2181,kaf2:2181,kaf3:2181 --create --topic mytopic --partitions 10 --replication-factor 2 --config retention.bytes=1074000000 --config delete.retention.ms=6000 --config segment.bytes=105000000
so, if understand correctly documentation, have topic 10 partitions replicate 2 times beetween 3 kafka hosts. next, each kafka host must retain 1go of data. each segment has size of 100mo , old logs delete after 1 minute.
now, when du -h
on logs directory on kafka hosts, have this:
1,2g ./mytopic-2 1,1g ./mytopic-8 1,2g ./mytopic-9 1,1g ./mytopic-6 1,1g ./mytopic-3 1,1g ./mytopic-0 1,2g ./mytopic-4 7,6g .
i thought 1go directory entirely , not each partition.
so question simple, topic configuration each partition or topic ?
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