java - JavaFx Stageshow 3 different stage -

i have on 3 class , 3 stage , want this: want show stage . 1 time show 1st stage 10 sec, next show 2nd stage 10 sec , next show 3rd stage 10 sec , next show 1st .... important 3 stage have work time .

in swing use cardlayout here don't know how this.

code 1 class:

public class simpleslideshowtest extends application{    class simpleslideshow {      stackpane root = new stackpane();     imageview[] slides;      public simpleslideshow() {       this.slides = new imageview[4];        file file1 = new file("c:/users/022/workspace22/ekranlcd/res/images/belka.png");       image image1 = new image(file1.touri().tostring());       file file = new file("c:/users/022/workspace22/ekranlcd/res/images/kropka.png");       image image2 = new image(file.touri().tostring());         image image3 = new image(file1.touri().tostring());       image image4 = new image(file1.touri().tostring());       slides[0] = new imageview(image1);       slides[1] = new imageview(image2);       slides[2] = new imageview(image3);       slides[3] = new imageview(image4);      }      public stackpane getroot() {       return root;     }      // method running in class      public void start() {        sequentialtransition slideshow = new sequentialtransition();        (imageview slide : slides) {          sequentialtransition sequentialtransition = new sequentialtransition();          fadetransition fadein = getfadetransition(slide, 0.0, 1.0, 0);         pausetransition stayon = new pausetransition(duration.millis(2000));         fadetransition fadeout = getfadetransition(slide, 0, 0.0, 2000);          sequentialtransition.getchildren().addall(fadein, stayon, fadeout);         slide.setopacity(0);         this.root.getchildren().add(slide);         slideshow.getchildren().add(sequentialtransition);        };     }  // method in transition helper class:      public fadetransition getfadetransition(imageview imageview, double fromvalue, double tovalue, int durationinmilliseconds) {        fadetransition ft = new fadetransition(duration.millis(durationinmilliseconds), imageview);       ft.setfromvalue(fromvalue);       ft.settovalue(tovalue);       return ft;      }   }    public static void main(string[] args) {     launch(args);   }    @override   public void start(stage primarystage) throws exception {     simpleslideshow simpleslideshow = new simpleslideshow();     text msg = new text(" d sad adas dsa sad dsa dsa dsa dsa sdasa dsa dsa");     msg.setfont(font.font ("verdana", 40));     msg.sety(config.ysize-(config.ysize/6));     pane root1 = new pane(msg);     root1.setlayoutx(config.xsize/2);     root1.setlayouty(config.ysize-(config.ysize/5));     root1.setprefsize(config.xsize/2,400);      main2.start(msg);       simpleslideshow.getroot().getchildren().add(root1);     scene scene = new scene(simpleslideshow.getroot());     primarystage.setscene(scene);;     simpleslideshow.start();   } } 

my second class want add

public class testurlimage4 extends application {      public static arraylist<busstop2> list = new arraylist<>();     public static arraylist<positiontilesandurlpaths> positiontilesandurlpathslist = new arraylist<>();     public static hashmap<string, image> imgcache = new hashmap<>();     public static double lat;     public static double lon;     public static double deltay;     public static double deltax;     public static double positionx;     public static double positiony;     public static int[] imagecount = getcountimage();     public static int [] countimage = countimage();     public static int []x = new int [countimage[0]];     public static int []y = new int [countimage[1]];     private file file = new file("c:/users/eltegps 022/workspace22/ekranlcd/res/images/kropka.png");     private image bus = new image(file.touri().tostring());      public testurlimage4() {     }     testurlimage4(double lat, double lon){         int [] tiles= gettilenumber(lat, lon, config.mapzoom);         deltax = tile2lon(tiles[0] + 1 , config.mapzoom) -  tile2lon(tiles[0], config.mapzoom);         deltay = tile2lat(tiles[1], config.mapzoom) - tile2lat(tiles[1] + 1 , config.mapzoom);         positionx = (lon - tile2lon(tiles[0], config.mapzoom)) * config.imgsize/deltax;         positiony = (tile2lat(tiles[1], config.mapzoom) - lat) * config.imgsize/deltay;         gettiles(lat,lon);         getimgpositionandurlspath(list);     }      /**      * method use count of image need       * @return      */     private static int[] getcountimage(){         int ximagecount = (int) math.ceil(config.xsize/256);         int yimagecount = (int) math.ceil(config.ysize/256);         return  new int[] {ximagecount, yimagecount};     }     /**      * method use count of tiles      * @return      */     public static int[] countimage(){         int ximagecount = imagecount[0];         int yimagecount = imagecount[1];         if(ximagecount-1 %2 != 0){             ximagecount = ximagecount + 2;         }         if(yimagecount-1 %2 != 0){             yimagecount = yimagecount + 2;         }         return  new int[] {ximagecount, yimagecount};     }     /**      * method use tiles       * @param lat      * @param lon      * @return      */     private static  arraylist<busstop2> gettiles(double lat, double lon ){         int [] numbertile = gettilenumber(lat, lon, config.mapzoom);         int a1 = 1;         int a2 = 1;         int a3 = 1;         int a4 = 1;          x[0] = numbertile[0];         y[0] = numbertile[1];           (int = 1; i<x.length; i++){               if(i%2==0){                   x[i] = numbertile[0]+(a1);                   a1++;               }               else{                   x[i] = numbertile[0]-(a2);                   a2++;               }           }            (int = 1; i<y.length; i++){               if(i%2==0){                   y[i] = numbertile[1]+(a3);                   a3++;               }               else{                   y[i] = numbertile[1]-(a4);                   a4++;               }           }            for(int = 0 ; i<x.length ; i++){               (int j = 0 ;j<y.length ; j++ ){                   list.add(new busstop2(x[i], y[j], x[0] - x[i], y[0]-y[j]));                      }           }         return list;     }     /**      *       * @param list      * @return      */     private static arraylist<positiontilesandurlpaths> getimgpositionandurlspath(arraylist<busstop2> list){          for(busstop2 bus : list){             positiontilesandurlpathslist.add(new positiontilesandurlpaths(256*bus.getx(), 256*bus.gety(),                      config.mappath + "/" + bus.geta() + "/" + bus.getb() + ".png"));         }         return positiontilesandurlpathslist;     }       public static int [] gettilenumber(final double lat, final double lon, final int zoom) {            int xtile = (int)math.floor( (lon + 180) / 360 * (1<<zoom) ) ;            int ytile = (int)math.floor( (1 - math.log(math.tan(math.toradians(lat)) + 1 / math.cos(math.toradians(lat))) / math.pi) / 2 * (1<<zoom) ) ;             if (xtile < 0)              xtile=0;             if (xtile >= (1<<zoom))              xtile=((1<<zoom)-1);             if (ytile < 0)              ytile=0;             if (ytile >= (1<<zoom))              ytile=((1<<zoom)-1);             return  new int[] {xtile, ytile};            }       static double tile2lon(int x, int z) {          return x / math.pow(2.0, z) * 360.0 - 180;       }        static double tile2lat(int y, int z) {         double n = math.pi - (2.0 * math.pi * y) / math.pow(2.0, z);         return math.todegrees(math.atan(math.sinh(n)));       }     @override     public void start(stage stage) throws exception {         canvas canvas = new canvas(config.xsize, config.ysize);         graphicscontext gc = canvas.getgraphicscontext2d();          int [] aa =gettilenumber(51.401968,16.205556, 18);         gettiles(51.401968,16.205556);          getimgpositionandurlspath(list);          executorservice executor = executors.newfixedthreadpool(10);         arraylist<utltoimageconverter> threadlist = new arraylist<>();          for(positiontilesandurlpaths url : positiontilesandurlpathslist){             threadlist.add(new utltoimageconverter(url.getpath()));         }         try {             executor.invokeall(threadlist);         } catch (interruptedexception e1) {             e1.printstacktrace();         }         system.out.println(imgcache.size());         system.out.println( aa[0] + " " + aa[1] );          for(positiontilesandurlpaths pos : getimgpositionandurlspath(list)){             gc.drawimage(imgcache.get(pos.getpath()),config.xsize/2-pos.getx()-config.imgsize/2 ,(config.ysize/2)- pos.gety()-config.imgsize/2, config.imgsize, config.imgsize);         }         gc.drawimage(bus,config.xsize/2-config.imgsize/2-config.markwidth/2+(int)positionx, config.ysize/2+(int)positiony-config.imgsize/2-config.markheight/2, config.markwidth, config.markheight);            pane root = new pane();         root.getchildren().add(canvas);          scene scene = new scene(root);         stage.setscene(scene);;      }     public static void main(string[] args)      {          application.launch(args);     } } 


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