vbscript - Excel Application.Quit doesn't kill the EXECL.EXE Process -

i’ve identified strange behaviour excel’s quit command can’t find explanation or solution to.

the vbscript script below replicates problem. here does…

  1. creates new excel instance
  2. opens , closes set number of workbooks (controlled workbookstocreate)
  3. attempts quit excel
  4. and proves whether excel did quit changing visible state true

what i’ve gathered successful quit occurs when workbookstocreate set 0 or 1. if set 2 or higher, excel won’t quit properly.

'switch between 1 , 2 see difference '(1 = quit correctly, 2 = quit changes .visible false) const workbookstocreate = 2  'create new excel instance set xlapp = createobject("excel.application") xlapp.visible = true  'add, , close workbooks w = 1 workbookstocreate     set wb = xlapp.workbooks.add     wb.close false next  'attempt quit excel xlapp.quit  'test did quit xlapp.visible = true  set xlapp = nothing 

i’m using excel 2010 on windows 7.

i’ve tried numerous variations on this, can’t establish problem is. best can tell xlapp.quit does, in instance, equivalent xlapp.visible = false

interested see if of guys have better luck, or if has noticed similar behaviour excel?


+1 @omegastripes , @mikegrann identifying doesn’t happen on every machine.

i’ve investigated further , found found issue specific own work laptop. problem cannot replicated on other machines.

but have traced , fixed fault. caused 1 particular com add-in titled ciscoclicktocall.connect. once uninstalled, script started behaving expected, , did quit.

i didn’t have uninstall windows; have been enough remove add-in excel, application don’t have use got rid of it.

from tell add-in intended add context menu commands cell’s right click.

thanks everyone’s help


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