selenium - Protractor passing all tests as success without doing them -

trying run tests protractor encounter huge problem can't explain or resolve.

when run tests, protractor ignore tests , consider has been done success.

this report:

[16:32:02] i/local - starting selenium standalone server... [16:32:02] i/launcher - running 1 instances of webdriver [16:32:02] i/local - selenium standalone server started @ problem trying remove folder started ....................................  36 specs, 0 failures finished in 0.249 seconds [16:32:15] i/local - shutting down selenium standalone server. [16:32:15] i/launcher - 0 instance(s) of webdriver still running [16:32:15] i/launcher - chromeany #01 passed 

usually tests should take around 15 minutes.

i'm using grunt-protractor-runner run tests.

my config :

windows 10 grunt: 1.0.1 grunt-protractor-runner: 3.2.0 selenium-webdriver: 3.0.0 protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter: 0.0.5 

my conf file :

'use strict';  var env = require('./environment.js'); var jasmine2htmlreporter = require('protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter');  // conf.js exports.config = {    capabilities: {     'browsername': 'chrome',     'version': 'any'   },    specs: [     'specs/01-basic.js',     'specs/02-login.js',     'specs/03-dmp.js',     'specs/04-cmp.js',     'specs/05-account.js'   ],    suites: {     basic: 'specs/01-basic.js',     login: 'specs/02-login.js',     dmp: 'specs/03-dmp.js',     cmp: 'specs/04-cmp.js',     account: 'specs/05-account.js'   },    baseurl: env.baseurl + '/#/',    onprepare: function() {     jasmine.getenv().addreporter(       new jasmine2htmlreporter({         savepath: 'report/html',         screenshotsfolder: 'images/',         takescreenshotsonlyonfailures: true,         consolidate: true,         consolidateall: true       })     );     browser.driver.manage().window().maximize();     browser.driver.get(env.baseurl + '/#/login');     element(by.model('user.username')).sendkeys(env.login);     element(by.model('user.password')).sendkeys(env.mdp);     element('loginsubmit')).click();     browser.waitforangular();   }  }; 

thank !


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