python - Complex aggregation methods as single param in query string -

i’m trying design flexible api django rest. meant have field filterable through query string , in addition have param in query string can denote complex method perform. ok, here details:

class starsmodellist(generics.listapiview):     queryset = starsmodel.objects.all()     serializer_class = starsmodelserializer     filter_class = starsmodelfilter

class starsmodelserializer(dynamicfieldsmixin, serializers.modelserializer):     class meta:         model = starsmodel         fields = '__all__'

class dynamicfieldsmixin(object):     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(dynamicfieldsmixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)         fields = self.context['request'].query_params.get('fields')         if fields:             fields = fields.split(',')             # drop fields not specified in `fields` argument.             allowed = set(fields)             existing = set(self.fields.keys())             field_name in existing - allowed:                 self.fields.pop(field_name)

class csvfilter(django_filters.filter):     def filter(self, qs, value):         return super(csvfilter, self).filter(qs, django_filters.fields.lookup(value.split(u","), "in"))   class starsmodelfilter(django_filters.filterset):     id = csvfilter(name='id')      class meta:         model = starsmodel         fields = ['id',]

url(r’^/stars/$’, starsmodellist.as_view()) 

this give me ability construct query strings so:


this great functionality, there many custom aggregation/transformation methods need applied data. have agg= param so:


or just:


where defining complex_method grabs correct fields job.

i’m not sure start , add complex methods appreciate guidance. should note api private use supporting django application, not exposed public.

definitely see mymodellist class anyway example per

from django.http import httpresponse django.views import view  class starsmodellist(generics.listapiview):     queryset = starsmodel.objects.all()     serializer_class = starsmodelserializer     filter_class = starsmodelfilter      def complex_method(request):         # smth input parameters if         return httpresponse('hello, world!')      def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):         if request.get.get('agg', none) == 'complex_method':            return self.complex_method(request)         return httpresponse('hi, world!') 


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