c# - Quartz scheduler: avoid using class file and want to call a method directly -

i using quartz scheduler in project. have copy pasted code below.in area of code, type type=typeof(class), need call method like, type type=typeof(methodname()). dont want call external class file.

int jobid = 0; jobdetailimpl job = null; quartz.impl.triggers.crontriggerimpl trigger = null; isimpletrigger simpletrigger = null; jobdatamap jobdatamap = new jobdatamap(); sheduler.start(); string cronexpression = "0 0/1 * * * ?"; type type = typeof(triggerjob1); job = new jobdetailimpl("job" + jobid + "", null, type); trigger = new quartz.impl.triggers.crontriggerimpl("trigger" + jobid + "", "job" + jobid + "", cronexpression); sheduler.schedulejob(job, trigger);  

triggerjob1 in above code class file created locally. according quartz scheduler, has functionality scheduler calls @ scheduled time.

why want use method instead of triggerjob1 class file is:- using quartz scheduler in aspx file. have functionality written in button click event. going invoke button using scheduler.

i want use this. expected behaviour.

type type = typeof(button_click); 

i not want call button click external class file. syntax of quartz scheduler advices me use class file only.

kindly me if know it. if cannot understand me saying, please let me know.


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