C#, OleDb: My program is not saving my Access Database table -
namespace healthclub_isat { public partial class form1 : form { private oledbconnection connection = new oledbconnection(); public form1() { initializecomponent(); connection.connectionstring = @"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=c:\users\zuko\documents\zux techyana cp isat 2016\healthfitnessclub.accdb;persist security info=false"; } private void btnsave_click(object sender, eventargs e) { try { connection.open(); messagebox .show("database opened", "connection", messageboxbuttons.ok); oledbcommand command = new oledbcommand(); command.connection = connection; command.commandtext ="insert members (member_id, first_name, surname, contact_number) values ('" + this.txtmemberid.text + "','" + this.txtmname.text + "','" + this.txtmsurname.text + "','" + this.txtmcontactno.text + "')"; // // messagebox.show(command.commandtext); command.executenonquery(); messagebox.show("data saved"); messagebox.show("database closed", "connection", messageboxbuttons.ok); } catch (exception ex) { messagebox.show("error " + ex); } } } }
in appropriate response question, or lack there of:
i have answer, left in place. know? it's 1 place next 1 blue thing. don't want have move spot, can find me maybe?
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