postgresql - How to get List of Table Entity with only selected columns in Hibernate using native SQL? -

i trying execute sql query using session.createsqlquery() method of hibernate.

test table has 3 columns :

  • col1
  • col2
  • col3


string sql = "select * test"; sqlquery query = session.createsqlquery(sql); query.addentity(test.class); list<test> testentitylist  = query.list(); 

not working

string sql = "select col1, col2 test"; sqlquery query = session.createsqlquery(sql); query.addentity(test.class); list<test> testentitylist  = query.list(); 


the column col3 not found in resultset.

i need retrieve a few specific columns table rather whole table.

how can achieve this?

you can use hibernate projections, see answer hibernate criteria query specific columns or can changing return type

list<object[]> , parsing list<test>

    list<object[]> testentitylist  = query.list();     list<test> res = new arraylist<test>(testentitylist.size());      (object[] obj : testentitylist) {       test test = new test();       test.setcol1(obj[0]);       test.setcol2(obj[1]);       res.add(test);     } 


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