compilation - Produce both assembly and object file with gcc/clang: Possible? How? -

is possible produce both object file , source file in once command gcc/g++/clang/clang++ ? how?

i need pass lot of other options, avoid duplicating them in 2 separate commands:

gcc -s # produce assembly gcc -c # produce object file 

you can give -save-temps option gcc: leave temporary files (including .s files) in current directory (works clang):

gcc -c --save-temps 

or use -wa,-aln=test.s option:

gcc -c -wa,-aln=test.s test.c 

from gcc documentation:


pass option option assembler. if option contains commas, split multiple options @ commas.

from as documentation:

-a[cdghlmns] turn on listings, in of variety of ways:

  • -al include assembly
  • -an omit forms processing


you may combine these options; example, use -aln assembly listing without forms processing.

clang has integrated assembler should switched off (how switch off llvm's integrated assembler?):

clang++ -c -no-integrated-as -wa,-aln=test.s test.c 


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