python - Django Rest framework - change the URL hostname in hyperlinkedmodel serializer -

i have webservice built drf 1.8.x model driven. intent provide absolute urls in response foreign key fields , includes right hostname(gateway hostname). however, since api sits behind nginx gateway, hostname field modified , sending context['request'] serializer instance doesn't seem help.

as of i'm using decorators modifying hostname , handling version based behaviour self url field forieign key fields still showing api hostname. here code below:

class nodeserializer(serializers.hyperlinkedmodelserializer):     url = serializers.serializermethodfield()      class meta:         model = node         fields = ('url', 'name', 'description', 'owner', 'address',          'created', 'updated', 'endpoint')         extra_kwargs= {              'endpoint': {'view_name': 'loadbalancerendpoint-detail'},              'owner': {'view_name': 'artifactowner-detail'}           }      @set_api_version_ref     def get_url(self, obj):         return self.context['request'].meta.get('http_ref') 

decorator - set_api_version_ref

def set_api_version_ref(f):     @functools.wraps(f)     def wrapper(obj, ref):          base_href = obj.context['request'].meta.get('path_info', none)         http_host = obj.context['request'].meta.get('http_x_host', none)         '''         parse incoming request url take api version in variable         '''         version_parse ='\/myapi\/v(?p<version>(1(\.[0-1])?))\/\w+', base_href)         api_version ='version')         logger.debug("api version detected: {}".format(api_version))         href_suffix = base_href+str("/"         if http_host:             href =  'https://'+http_host+href_suffix             base_path = 'https://'+http_host+'/myapi/'+api_version+"/"         else:             href = href_suffix             base_path = '/myapi/v'+api_version+"/"         logger.debug("href assembled: {}".format(href))         obj.context['request'].meta['api_version'] = api_version         obj.context['request'].meta['http_ref'] = href         obj.context['request'].meta['base_path'] = base_path         result = f(obj, ref)         return result     return wrapper 

passing extra_kwargs related field view names(loadbalancerendpoint-detail, artifactowner-detail etc.,) seem give me url pk, don't know way modify hostname out using decorator approach i'm doing url field. here appreciated, thanks!


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