json - How to change the folder where the Enviroment.CurrentDirectory is positioned. C# -

i want change positioning folder in order create file can consume, of on runtime.

is there form target release folder dinamicaly create file there , consume it?

or, if that's not possible,

is possible give instructions move folder found in enviroment.currentdirectory, can place myself in space have permits create file without problem?

like "c:/" if works of course, need place somewhere can modify later.

i'm looking create json file consumption here base code:

  public partial class webform1 : system.web.ui.page     {         list<logindata> lstlogindata = new list<logindata>();          //with 1 check if login successfull         public bool loginvalidated = false;         string namefile = "somefile.json";         string whereisthefile = environment.currentdirectory + "\\";          datatable dt = new datatable();         protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             whereisthefile += namefile;             if (!file.exists(namefile))             {                 file.create(namefile);                 whereisthefile = environment.currentdirectory + "\\" + namefile;                 string someotherstring = whereisthefile;             }              lstlogindata = parsingreadjsonfile(whereisthefile);              if (ispostback)             {                 lstlogindata = (list<logindata>)viewstate["listado"];                 if (lstlogindata == null)                 {                     lstlogindata = new list<logindata>();                 }             }              if ((!string.isnullorwhitespace(session["name"].tostring())) && (!string.isnullorwhitespace(session["passwrd"].tostring())))             {                 //here happends if login successfull                 foreach (logindata usrdata in lstlogindata)                 {                     if (usrdata.name == session["name"].tostring())                     {                         if (usrdata.passwrd == session["passwrd"].tostring())                         {                             loginvalidated = true;                         }                     }                 }             }              if (viewstate["data"] == null)             {                 datatable dtbl = new datatable();                 dtbl.columns.add("name");                 dtbl.columns.add("passwrd");                 viewstate["data"] = dtbl;             }          }          protected void btningresar_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {          #region codigo sin usar (comentado)         //before add value viestate datatable         //    dt = (datatable)viewstate["data"];         //    string _valuename = txbnombre.text.toupper().trim();         //    string _valuepassword = txbpassword.text.trim();         //    logindata newlogindata = new logindata() { name = _valuename, passwrd = _valuepassword };         //    dt.rows.add(newlogindata);          //    //now bind data         //    listbox1.datasource = dt;          //    listbox1.datatextfield = "name";         //    listbox1.datavaluefield = "name";          //    listbox1.datatextfield = "passwrd";         //    listbox1.datavaluefield = "passwrd";          //    listbox1.databind();          //    txbnombre.text = txbpassword.text = string.empty; //to clear data         #endregion              session["name"] = txbnombre.text.trim();             session["passwrd"] = txbpassword.text.trim();         }          //listo registrar         protected void btnregistrar_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             parsingwritejsonfile(txbnombre.text, txbpassword.text, "somefile.json");         }          public void parsingwritejsonfile(string loginname, string loginpassword, string nameoffile)         {             list<logindata> oldlogin = parsingreadjsonfile(nameoffile);             list<logindata> newlogin = new list<logindata>();              if ((oldlogin != null) && (oldlogin.count() >= 1))             {                 newlogin.addrange(oldlogin);             }              logindata newlogindata = new logindata() { name = loginname, passwrd = loginpassword };             newlogin.add(newlogindata);              //javascriptserializer ser = new javascriptserializer();             file.writealltext(nameoffile, jsonconvert.serializeobject(newlogin));         }          public list<logindata> parsingreadjsonfile(string nameoffile)         {             string jsonstring = file.readalltext(nameoffile);              //javascriptserializer ser = new javascriptserializer();             list<logindata> p1 = new list<logindata>();             return p1 = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<list<logindata>>(jsonstring);         }     } 

you don't need environment.currentdirectory @ , in particular if in web application. instead should use app_data folder , read , write files in folder. moreover, create full path folder use server.mappath method

public partial class webform1 : system.web.ui.page {     list<logindata> lstlogindata = new list<logindata>();      //with 1 check if login successfull     public bool loginvalidated = false;     string namefile = "somefile.json";      // builds full qualified filename json file ,     // can use standard file.io methods      string whereisthefile = server.mappath("~/app_data/" + namefile);     datatable dt = new datatable();     protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if (!file.exists(whereisthefile))         {             file.create(whereisthefile);             ......          }         lstlogindata = parsingreadjsonfile(whereisthefile);         .... 

some info on app_data folder


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