jquery - jsPDF css style does not working -

i'm trying convert div pdf using jspdf , div :

<div id="pdffile" style="display:none" class="containerpdf">      <headerp><h1 id="pdftitle" style="text-align: center; color:red;"></h1></headerp>      <navp>          <div id="pdfimage"></div> </navp>      <articlep>      <h1>description</h1><p id="pdfdescription"></p>     </articlep>      <footerp style="text-align: center;">copyright © emoovio</footerp>  </div>  <div id="editor"></div> 

and jquery code :

$('#cmd').click(function () { var x =  $(".entry-title").text();          doc.fromhtml($('#pdffile').html(), 15, 15, {             'width': 170,             'elementhandlers': specialelementhandlers         });         //doc.autoprint();         doc.save('emoovio-'+x+'.pdf');  }); 

and when excute code , have pdf , no center , no color , nothing styling !!!


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