How to increase max line length when printing Clojure data -

i writing content edn file , maximum width of lines greater current default value:

(use 'clojure.pprint) nil user=> *print-right-margin* 72 

this seems accord output getting. how increase default value?

this function i'm using write out edn file:

(defn pp-str [x] (-> x clojure.pprint/pprint with-out-str)) 

example use:

(spit "foo.edn" (u/pp-str foo)) 

where foo might hiccup, or other clojure data.

try rebinding *print-right-margin* either outside pp-str function:

(binding [*print-right-margin* 1000]   (spit "foo.edn" (u/pp-str foo))) 

or inside:

(defn pp-str [x]    (binding [*print-right-margin* 1000]     (-> x clojure.pprint/pprint with-out-str)))) 

this temporarily redefine value scope of enclosed block. should help


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