c# - .NET Help using TCP classes -

i'm trying learn network programming , i'm trying create tcp server , tcp client.

the server start , listen connections. client connect , send string server. server reply string containing received string.

the issue i'm facing first try works after client receive empty reply.

below code server:

public void handlerthread() {  tcpclient tcpclient = clients[clients.count - 1];   networkstream networkstream = tcpclient.getstream();  int = -1;  while (tcpclient.connected )  {   byte[] data = new byte[1024];   if ((i=networkstream.read(data, 0, data.length)) != 0)   {    string incomingmessage = encoding.ascii.getstring(data);    debug.writeline("ddb server incomingmessage: " + incomingmessage);    this.invoke((methodinvoker)(() => lbmessage.items.add("message received is: " + incomingmessage)));    // send response.    data = new byte[1024];    string outmessage = string.empty;    outmessage = "recieved msg: " + incomingmessage;    data = system.text.encoding.ascii.getbytes(outmessage);    networkstream.write(data, 0, data.length);    debug.writeline("ddb server reply: " + outmessage);    this.invoke((methodinvoker)(() => lblstatus.text = "sent reply!"));   }  } } 

the client's code:

private void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e) {  if (!string.isnullorempty(_txtboxmsg.text))  {   try   {    byte[] data = system.text.encoding.ascii.getbytes(_txtboxmsg.text);    stream = client.getstream();    // send message connected tcpserver.     stream.write(data, 0, data.length);    debug.writeline("ddb client message: " + _txtboxmsg.text);    data = new byte[1024];    string responsedata = string.empty;    int32 bytes = stream.read(data, 0, data.length);    responsedata = system.text.encoding.ascii.getstring(data, 0, bytes);    debug.writeline("ddb client recieved: " + responsedata);    lbmsgs.items.add(string.format("received: {0}", responsedata));   }   catch (argumentnullexception ex)   {    messagebox.show("argumentnullexception: " + ex); ;   }   catch (socketexception ex)   {    messagebox.show("socketexception: " + ex);   }  }  else   messagebox.show("you did not enter message sent server!", "please enter message", messageboxbuttons.ok); } 

i noticed while using debug.writeline() first run message displayed correctly. after messages next each other (as if using debug.write()). behavior byte representation messages being corrupted (for example return character or something)?


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