ruby on rails - ujs + remotipaart - when running jQuery `.html(...)` calls, the appended html becomes just text -

i using rails 5, remotipart. remotipart version is:

gem 'remotipart', github: 'mshibuya/remotipart' 

(at moment of question, current commit 88d9a7d55bde66acb6cf3a3c6036a5a1fc991d5e).

when want submit form having multipart: true andremote: true` but without sending attached file, works great. when send file, fails.

to illustrate case, consider response this:

(function() {   modelerrors('<div class=\'alert alert-danger alert-dismissible\' role=\'alert\'>\n  <div aria-label=\'close\' class=\'close fade in\' data-dismiss=\'alert\'>\n    <span aria-hidden>\n      &times;\n    <\/span>\n  <\/div>\n  code can\'t blank\n<\/div>\n'); }).call(this); 

when response executed, after arriving (since js), form looks expected (in case, validation error right happen, , rendered danger alert right appear such text):

enter image description here

however, when fill file field, , repeat exact same case (exact same validation error), form looks quite different:

enter image description here

if can guess, contents passed text. actual response being received server bit different:

<script type="text/javascript">try{window.parent.document;}catch(err){document.domain=document.domain;}</script>(function() {   modelerrors('<div class=\'alert alert-danger alert-dismissible\' role=\'alert\'>\n  <div aria-label=\'close\' class=\'close fade in\' data-dismiss=\'alert\'>\n    <span aria-hidden>\n      &times;\n    <\/span>\n  <\/div>\n  code can\'t blank\n<\/div>\n'); }).call(this); 

this actual body of response (it not bad copypaste, actual response wrapped remotipart).

the modalerrors function quite dumb:

function modalerrors(html) {     $('#main-modal > .modal-dialog > .modal-content > .modal-body > .errors').html(html); } 

comparing jquery-appended html chunks (i them in browser's dom inspector), this:


<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">   <ul style="list-style-type: none">     <li>code can't blank</li>   </ul> </div> 


code can't blank 

what missing here? want allow resposes append html content when needed.

the remotipart lib, uses named iframe-transport, unwraps content later , executes response if fetched ajax.

however, tags stripped response, response converted this:

try{window.parent.document;}catch(err){document.domain=document.domain;}(function() {   modelerrors('\n  \n    \n      &times;\n    \n  \n  code can\'t blank\n\n'); }).call(this); 

the solution found interact library in sane way, define helper helper, similar j / escape_javascript:

module applicationhelper    js_escape_map = {       '\\'   => '\\\\',       '<'    => '\\u003c',       '&'    => '\\u0026',       '>'    => '\\u003e',       "\r\n" => '\n',       "\n"   => '\n',       "\r"   => '\n',       '"'    => '\\u0022',       "'"    => "\\u0027"   }    js_escape_map["\342\200\250".force_encoding(encoding::utf_8).encode!] = '&#x2028;'   js_escape_map["\342\200\251".force_encoding(encoding::utf_8).encode!] = '&#x2029;'    def escape_javascript_with_inside_html(javascript)     if javascript       result = javascript.gsub(/(\\|\r\n|\342\200\250|\342\200\251|[\n\r<>&"'])/u) {|match| js_escape_map[match] }       javascript.html_safe? ? result.html_safe : result     else       ''     end   end    alias_method :jh, :escape_javascript_with_inside_html  end 

in views susceptible of being sent both regular ajax , remotipart -in different scenarios, mean- replace j calls jh calls. example:

modalerrors('<%= j render 'shared/model_errors_alert', instance: @team %>') 

was replaced with

modalerrors('<%= jh render 'shared/model_errors_alert', instance: @team %>') 


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