mysql - SQL left join with SUM -

i need join 1 table another, each type of group in left table got sum of value types in second table, group_type = 4. tried following:

select * orbiting_group_types ogt left join (select sum(val)  report_orbiting_vals  rov  order type  rov.orbiting_group_type_id = 4) on = rov.orbiting_group_type_id 

however throw me error -

 syntax error @ or near "where" line 8:  rov.orbiting_group_type_id = 4) 

what did miss?

try this:

select * orbiting_group_types ogt left join (select sum(val) report_orbiting_vals  subrov subrov.orbiting_group_type_id = 4 //order type ) rov on = rov.orbiting_group_type_id 

1) should name subqueries reference them. can't make reference outside of subquery inside.

2) type doesn't sound column name

3) order goes after where, always.


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