javascript - Angularjs GET request ends with 400(). Incorrect formulated inquiry? -

i have webshop project in spring, i'm trying handle adding itemst cart. script fails on refreshcart method. gives

http status 400 - incorrect request, check request data

so here's angualarjs script:

var cartapp = angular.module('cartapp', []);  cartapp.controller('cartctrl', function ($scope, $http) {      $scope.refreshcart = function (cartid) {         console.log("cart id in refreshcart method controllers.js " + cartid);          $http({             method: 'get',             url: '/rest/cart/' + cartid         }).then(function successrefresh(singlecart) {             $scope.cart = singlecart;             console.log("success, im inside");             console.log(singlecart);             console.log("after");         }, function errorcallback(singlecart) {             console.log("error in refreshcart");         });      };      $scope.clearcart = function () {          $http.delete('/rest/cart/' + $scope.cartid)             .success($scope.refreshcart($scope.cartid));      };      $scope.initcartid = function (cartid) {          $scope.cartid = cartid;         $scope.refreshcart($scope.cartid);     };       $scope.addtocart = function (productid) {         $http.put('/rest/cart/add/' + productid)             .success(function (data) {                  $http({                     method: 'get',                     url: '/cart/getcartid'                 }).then(function successcallback(response) {                     $scope.cartid =;                     $scope.refreshcart($scope.cartid);                  }, function errorcallback(response) {                 });                  alert("product has been succesfully added cart!");             });     };     $scope.removefromcart = function (productid) {           $http.put('/rest/cart/remove/' + productid)             .success(function (data) {                 $scope.refreshcart($http.get('/rest/cart/get/cartid'));             });     }; }); 

spring rest controllers:

@controller @requestmapping(value = "rest/cart") public class cartrestcontroller {      @autowired     private cartservice cartservice;      @autowired     private productservice productservice;         ////////////////////////////     @requestmapping(value = "/{cartid}", method = requestmethod.get)     public @responsebody cart read(@pathvariable(value = "cartid") string cartid) {         system.out.println("i'm in read method in /rest/cart controller. cartid: " + cartid);         (item item : {             system.out.println(item.getproduct().getproductname());         }         return;     }      /**      * post - creates new cart object      * - sends cart object id = cartid      * put - updates cart object id = cartid      * delete - delete cart object id  = cartid      */      @requestmapping(method =     public     @responsebody     cart create(@requestbody cart cart) {         system.out.println("i'm in create method in /rest/cart controller. cartid: " + cart.getcartid());          return cartservice.create(cart);     }       //////////////////////////////////////////      @requestmapping(value = "/{cartid}", method = requestmethod.put)     @responsestatus(value = httpstatus.no_content)     public void update(@pathvariable(value = "cartid") string cartid, @requestbody cart cart) {         system.out.println("i'm in update method in /rest/cart controller. cartid: " + cartid + " new cart : " + cart.getcartid());           cartservice.update(cart, cartid);     }      @requestmapping(value = "/{cartid}", method = requestmethod.delete)     @responsestatus(value = httpstatus.no_content)     public void delete(@pathvariable(value = "cartid") string cartid) {         system.out.println("i'm in delete method in /rest/cart controller. cartid: " + cartid);           cartservice.delete(cartid);     }       @requestmapping(value = "/add/{productid}", method = requestmethod.put)     @responsestatus(value = httpstatus.no_content)     public void additem(@pathvariable integer productid, httpservletrequest request) {         system.out.println("i'm in additem method in /rest/cart controller. productid: " + productid);          string sessionid = request.getsession().getid();         cart cart =;         if (cart == null) {             cart = cartservice.create(new cart(sessionid));         }         product product = productservice.findbyid(productid);         if (product == null) {             throw new illegalargumentexception();         }         cart.additemtocart(new item(product));         cartservice.update(cart, sessionid);         system.out.println("i'm in additem method in /rest/cart controller. cart values: ");         (item item : cart.getproducts().values()) {             system.out.println(item);         }     }      @requestmapping(value = "/remove/{productid}", method = requestmethod.put)     @responsestatus(value = httpstatus.no_content)     public void removeitem(@pathvariable integer productid, httpservletrequest request) {         system.out.println("i'm in removeitem method in /rest/cart controller. productid: " + productid);          string sessionid = request.getsession().getid();         cart cart =;         if (cart == null) {             cart = cartservice.create(new cart(sessionid));         }         product product = productservice.findbyid(productid);         if (product == null) {             throw new illegalargumentexception();         }         cart.removeitem(new item(product));         cartservice.update(cart, sessionid);     }      @exceptionhandler(illegalargumentexception.class)     @responsestatus(value = httpstatus.bad_request, reason = "incorrect request, check request data")     public void handleclienterrors(exception ex) {     }      @exceptionhandler(exception.class)     @responsestatus(value = httpstatus.internal_server_error, reason = "internal server error")     public void handleservererrors(exception ex) {     }  } 

spring controllers:

@controller @requestmapping(value = "/cart") public class cartcontroller {      @requestmapping(value = "/getcartid", method = requestmethod.get)     public     @responsebody     string getcartid(httpservletrequest request) {         system.out.println("i'm in getcartid method in /rest/cart controller. session id: " + request.getsession(true).getid());          return request.getsession().getid();     }       @requestmapping(value = "/{cartid}", method = requestmethod.get)     public string getcart(@pathvariable(value = "cartid") string cartid , modelmap model){         system.out.println("i'm in getcart method in /cart controller. cartid: " + cartid);          model.addattribute("cartid", cartid);         return "cart";     }      @requestmapping     public string get(httpservletrequest request){         system.out.println("i'm in method in /cart controller. session id: " + request.getsession(true).getid() );           return "redirect:/cart/" + request.getsession(true).getid();     }    } 

when want add new item cart addtocart function being invoked. according logs controllers/dao/services ok this, after want refresh cart. , there problem.

the request

$http({             method: 'get',             url: '/rest/cart/' + cartid         }).then(function successrefresh(singlecart) {             $scope.cart = singlecart;             console.log("success, im inside");             console.log(singlecart);             console.log("after");         }, function errorcallback(singlecart) {             console.log("error in refreshcart");         }); 


http status 400 - incorrect request, check request data

so don't know, because dont see any...

i can paste jsp files if needed.


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