ios - Refactor a switch statement with cyclomatic complexity upper than 10 -
i've code:
for notif in environmentmanager.notif { if let type = notif.type { switch type { case .sitteravailable: self.managenotif(notif, title: "une sitter disponible", storyboardname: "searchguard", vcname: "searchguardncsid") case .occasionaladjustmentreminder: self.managenotif(notif, title: "rappel", storyboardname: "searchguard", vcname: "searchguardncsid") case .guardrequest: self.managenotif(notif, title: "nouvelle garde urgente", storyboardname: "emergencyguardsitter", vcname: "emergencyguardsitternavigationcontrollersid") case .newreservationrequest: self.managenotif(notif, title: "nouvelle garde", storyboardname: "guardwebsitter", vcname: "webguardsitternavigationcontrollersid") case .newmessage: self.managenotif(notif, title: "nouveau message", storyboardname: "messagelistsitter", vcname: "messagesitterviewnavigationcontrollersid") case .soonreservationstartreminder: self.managenotif(notif, title: "rappel", storyboardname: "guardlistsitter", vcname: "guardlistsitternavigationcontrollersid") case .reservationaccepted: self.managenotif(notif, title: "garde acceptée", storyboardname: "guardlistsitter", vcname: "guardlistsitternavigationcontrollersid") case .reservationrefused: self.managenotif(notif, title: "garde refusée", storyboardname: "guardlistsitter", vcname: "guardlistsitternavigationcontrollersid") case .newmessageparent: self.managenotif(notif, title: "nouveau message", storyboardname: "messageparent", vcname: "messageparentviewnavigationcontrollersid") } } }
i want know how optimize counter cyclomatic complexity this, without array of string or that,
currently complexity equals 11
thanks help
an array of simple structure containing title, storyboardname , vcname solve neatly.
if type ordered 0..10, can use index array. if type doesn't run 0..10, include in structure, , first find index need.
define structure
struct notificationtypedata { var notificationtype : int = 0 var title : string = "" var storyboardname : string = "" var vcname : string = "" }
and set variable hold it
var notificationtypedata : [notificationtypedata]?
you need populate - file, or hard-coded. here first few...
notificationtypedata!.append(notificationtypedata(notificationtype: 0, title: "une sitter disponible", storyboardname: "searchguard", vcname: "searchguardncsid")) notificationtypedata!.append(notificationtypedata(notificationtype: 1, title: "rappel", storyboardname: "emergencyguardsitter", vcname: "emergencyguardsitternavigationcontrollersid")) notificationtypedata!.append(notificationtypedata(notificationtype: 2, title: "nouvelle garde urgente", storyboardname: "guardwebsitter", vcname: "webguardsitternavigationcontrollersid")) notificationtypedata!.append(notificationtypedata(notificationtype: 3, title: "nouvelle garde", storyboardname: "messagelistsitter", vcname: "messagesitterviewnavigationcontrollersid")) notificationtypedata!.append(notificationtypedata(notificationtype: 4, title: "nouveau message", storyboardname: "guardlistsitter", vcname: "guardlistsitternavigationcontrollersid"))
and simplify switch code have
for notif in environmentmanager.notif { if let type = notif.type { switch type { let data = notificationtypedata!.filter{ $0.notificationtype == type }.first if data != nil { self.managenotif(notif, title: data?.title, storyboardname: data?.storyboardname, vcname: data?.storyboardname } } }
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