php - Laravel 5.1 PHPunit error when testing urls with method call or visit -

i'm trying test controllers , routes on laravel 5.1 phpunit.

i got error:

.php fatal error: class 'pagocheque' not found

this because on views instanciate object pagocheque.

i have 2 questions:

  1. can test controllers o routes without calling views?

  2. if can't how can instanciate objects view needs instanciate work.

my code is:

class usertest extends testcase {  use withoutmiddleware;   /**  * basic test example.  *  * @return void  */  public function testexample() {     $this->asserttrue(true); }  public function testlistadomenu(){          $this->visit('/listpagocheques')         ->see('listado');  } public function testurl(){          $response = $this->call('get', '/');          $this->assertequals(200, $response->status());  } } 

hope can give directions.

thanks in advance.


class controller:

public function listpagocheques() {      $input = request::all();   return view('cheques.listpagocheques')->with('cheques',$cheques)     ->with('nro_recibo',$nro_recibo);  } 

view :

@extends('app')  @section('content')  <?  use app\domain\pagocheque; ?>    <!--div class="row">             <div class="col-lg-12">                 <h3 class="page-header"></h3>             </div>             <!-- /.col-lg-12 -->  <!--/div-->  <ul class="breadcrumb">     <li>pago cheques</li>     <li class="active">listado pago cursos</li> </ul>   <div class="panel-body"> <div class="table-responsive">     <table class="table table-responsive table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="cheque">         <thead>             <tr>                <th>nro recibo</th>                                   <th>nro disposici&oacute;n fija fecha</th>                                   <th>nro disposici&oacute;n pago</th>                <th>nro. memo</th>                <th>monto solicitado</th>                <th>actividad</th>                 <th>subgrupo</th>                <th>beneficiario</th>                 <th>disponible</th>                 <th>importe cheque</th>                <th>entregado</th>                <th></th>            </tr>        </thead>        <tbody>         @foreach ($cheques $cheque)         <tr>             <td> {{ $cheque->nro_recibo }} </td>             <td> {{ $cheque->nro_disp_otorga }} </td>             <td> {{ $cheque->nro_disp_aprueba }} </td>             <td> {{ $pago_cheque::getnromemobyid($cheque->nro_memo_id) }} </td>             <td> $ {{ $cheque->importe}} </td>             <td> {{ $pago_cheque::getnombrecursobyid($cheque->curso_id)}}</td>             <td> {{ $pago_cheque::getnombresubgrupobyid($cheque->curso_id)}}</td>             <td> {{ $pago_cheque::getnombredocentebyid($cheque->docente_id)}}</td>             <td> {{ $pago_cheque::getdisponiblechequebyid($cheque->disponible_id) }}</td>             <td> $  {{ $cheque->importe_cheque}} </td>             <td> {{ $pago_cheque::getentregadochequebyid($cheque->entregado_por_id) }}</td>             <td> <a href="{!! url::action('chequescontroller@editcursopagocheque',$cheque->pago_cheque_id); !!}">ver</a></td>         </tr>         @endforeach         </tbody> </table> 


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