c# - ASP Net Core StructureMap HybridLifecycle replacement -
i'm in process of updating library built asp.net mvc 5 use latest asp net core 1.0 using structuremap di. however, i've noticed hybrid lifecycle in structuremap legacy , no longer supported. there replacement lifecycle out there, or way same functionality?
for<sessioncontext>() .lifecycleis<hybridlifecycle>() .use<sessioncontext>();
i ended writing own asp net lifecycle class match same functionality of old hybrid lifecycle new asp .net core.
public class aspnetcorelifecycle : ilifecycle { private readonly object maplock = new object(); public string description => "asp net core lifecycle object"; private readonly container container; private dictionary<httpcontext, iobjectcache> contextmap = new dictionary<httpcontext, iobjectcache>(); public aspnetcorelifecycle(container cont) { this.container = cont; } public void ejectall(ilifecyclecontext context) { lock (maplock) { foreach (var kvp in contextmap) { kvp.value.disposeandclear(); } contextmap = new dictionary<httpcontext, iobjectcache>(); } } public iobjectcache findcache(ilifecyclecontext context) { var accessor = container.getinstance<ihttpcontextaccessor>(); lock (maplock) { if (!contextmap.containskey(accessor.httpcontext)) { contextmap.add(accessor.httpcontext, new lifecycleobjectcache()); } return contextmap[accessor.httpcontext]; } } }
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